The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Nature Journaling and Field Sketching Drawing What You See – Upside Down Drawing

    • Elizabeth
      Chirps: 9
      A9EBF5FF-3758-4934-800D-C9D64AEE2B46I was very surprised by the results when I turned the page upright! It was a lesson in patience as well.
    • Anne
      Chirps: 4
    • Christina
      Chirps: 19
      IMG_6206 Proof! I really did draw the song sparrow, upside down! This was a challenge, since I like to rough out my subject using basic shapes, and then add detail and proportions as I go. Not this time! I started at the tail feathers and worked my way around... IMG_6207 Thanks goodness for erasers... I'll have to go back to this one to finish the markings on the breast and underparts of the bird, but I cheated and turned my page around... am pleased that the little guy isn't wonky-looking! I really wanted to look at the subject as an overall shape, but I forced myself to see it as a bunch of smaller shapes connected to each other... this has been the most challenging exercise yet!
    • martha
      Chirps: 3
      When I draw I always like to look at the subject as individual pieces of a total puzzle.  How does one piece connect to another.  This is also what I tell kids who say they can't draw.  This makes the process more fun and enjoyable.  I had a lot of fun doing this and when I was through I thought the body was to chubby but when I flip the image right side up, it looked really good.  I am happy with how it turned out.