The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › The Wonderful World of Owls › Find the Hidden Owl
I enjoyed the course and would like to go back and revisit sections. The sounds in the night was intriguing and what to look for in sighting an owl. Thank you for the link , how to build owl/bird boxes.
Learning about the owls' ears and eyes was really interesting, and I never knew just how many different owl species there were until taking this course!
It was really interesting to know about the snowy owls irruptions and other curiosities about owls. The games (spot the owl, etc.) were also interesting and funny.
I loved the "who cooks for you!" and the "find the hidden owl". Those are great!
Can I go back and spend more time on the enormous amount of information?
ElizabethBird AcademyYes, you can go back at any time. Click on your My Courses page and select a course. Scroll down until you see the Course Content section. From here you can Expand All, so all the lesson topics are visible. Then click on the topic you are interested in reviewing.
@Elizabeth Thank you Elizabeth
My son and I loved this class! He enjoyed learning the owl calls, particularly "who cooks for you!"
I loved all of this course! I learned so much more about owls! The one item that I loved was about their necks. You don’t realize that they have all those feathers so their necks are not seen.
Everything!! It was a really cool course and I loved and learned every bit.
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