• Heidi
      Chirps: 12
      Value in WatercolourPatience and practice!  I also think that my paper is a bit light weight, so maybe I shouldn't try too many layers.  Lots of fun things to keep trying.
      • Patricia
        Chirps: 23
        I had the same problem, Heidi.  I found some old watercolor paper in my studio, cut it to size, and taped it into my sketchbook.  I like the weight of my sketchbook paper for drawing, but watercolor really needs thicker, textured paper to make the medium as effective as possible.
    • IMG_20200314_165042~2Mixed Medium. Almost all Watercolors, some pen, pencil foundation, and metallics. R-Y-B-G-BL
    • Juan
      Chirps: 18
      I tried all the techniques. Are for certainthings your going to do. IMG_9575
    • Geminis
      Chirps: 11
      • Colleen
        Chirps: 44
        Hi Geminis. Great looking details on the hummingbird & flowers. Thanks for sharing this.
    • Christi-June
      Chirps: 16
      Previously I have only used wet on dry. Dry on dry was tricky and I would like to incorporate that and wet on wet in my own journal. I'd like to see more of both in application. 20200215_101436
    • Donna
      Chirps: 15
      I tried all three. I think the wet-on-wet would work better on a stretched paper. The journal buckled too much and the colors pooled in the indented warp. However, I think wet-on-wet showcases the uniqueness of watercolor paints so I'd very much like to find a way to incorporate it into my journaling.
    • Denise
      Chirps: 14
      I love the iridescent quality of wet on wet paint technique. This was my first attempt. I think I will use it more often.image
    • Belinda
      Chirps: 9
    • Carrie
      Chirps: 7
      1.  Will be trying these in the field hopefully.  I find it hard to control the amount of water. 2.  I am just beginning journaling, so I don't have any great thoughts other than to add colors to my drawings to help round out my journaling.
    • David
      Chirps: 14
      Ice Cave I am relatively new to watercolor, and had only done a little wet-on-dry before.  For this drawing, I used all three techniques: wet-on-wet for sky and open water, wet-on-dry for snow drift contours and cave water, and dry-on-dry for snow texture.  I really like the dry-on-dry results.  It took a bit of practice, and I also found that different water brushes yielded different results.  The Sakura brush was easiest to use, for me.  I'm certain I'll be using all three techniques from here on out.  This was a great lesson!
      • Constance
        Chirps: 26
        Great work! The sky is so dramatic. I also am impressed by how you showed the texture on the ice. I struggle with planning ahead to leave white where I need it This is so nice.
      • Avery
        Chirps: 28
        Very dramatic and an unusual subject. Nice use of watercolor,.!
    • Amy
      Chirps: 22
      When I was younger I was taught wet-on-wet but not the others. It was frustrating. This time I enjoyed it because I was curious what the paint would do. I like paintings that explore color, and wet on wet is a fun way to do it. I grew up in a watery area, and wet-on-wet is perfect for the play of light and color on water, or in the sky, or for fuzzy things in the distance. Wet on dry comes easiest. I like the possibility of detail. I’m still working on getting the right balance of pigment to water so I’m not getting that splodge at the end of the stroke. I had to really work at it to get the brush dry enough for dry on dry, but I like it for rough textures or stuttered white. It would be interesting to put a dry color over a lighter color so the light one shows through. I was thinking of sharing a wet on wet landscape sketch, but picked up the paper before it was dry and smudged it. Learn from my my mistake, y’all.
    • Linda
      Chirps: 12
      I used the wet on dry technique with the purple pansy and the wet on wet with the mallard. I would also like to learn how to paint the detail and catch the light colors in the flower or leaves. This was challenging with matching colors and adding details. I need practice with the dry brush technique. This is a first for me. image
    • Christy
      Chirps: 8
      I tried some pansies with the wet on dry technique. (Didn't know that was what I was doing when I painted this>)  I was mainly trying to match the colors. This is the first thing I have ever painted.  I'm not sure how to work in all of the details using water colors. I would like to use water colors in my journal, especially when coloring the birds I see.  Also leaves and plants. IMG_4343
    • Sandy
      Chirps: 32
      I tried to incorporate each of the techniques, wet on wet, wet on dry, and dry brush. I had an hour outside, and finished with an hour or so inside. I was wishing I'd taken a photo to remind me of the color and light details. The dry brush technique will take some IMG_0012practice!
      • William
        Chirps: 14
        Hi Sandy, this is absolutely amazing! Are you able to share any tips on how you did it?
    • Elizabeth
      Chirps: 9
      I like the control of wet on dry technique. I can see use for other methods though. Dry brush for details and textures, wet on wet for wash areas. it’ll be fun to try out in the field, but it’s pouring rain lately and it’d be all wet on wet if I went out now! Journaling in the Pacific Northwest isn’t easy.
    • Montecito
      Chirps: 22
      I used wet on dry,  think is better to detail the plants. it dries quicker. It is important to have a good paper, mine is not good quality and does not work with many layers and gets bad with a lot of water. I would like to try wet on wet, but it seems a bit difficult. To apply this on my journal, a would like to start with simple specimens, such as a leaf or a flower, not a complete landscape. Because that way, i can find a compact palette and work on less details at a time.
    • Sarah
      Chirps: 8
      My biggest question is how do you keep the paper from 'buckling' using too wet of a brush? This is all new to me, and the control is going to take some time. The hint of having a test paper handy for both color matching and now this brush technique, esp dry on dry, is quite handy. I'll be using these in the field next time out. I took a pic of a stream going under a bridge because I was too frightened to try sketching it...I think I'm ready! I loved seeing how some leaves caught on the edges of the rocks while others kept floating downstream. The light playing off the stream as it came through the trees also caught my eye. I'm going to take all the time I need to sketch, then paint, this scene!
      • Hello to Sarah and anyone wondering about "buckling" of paper.   Liz Fuller has this reply on the topic: This is a good question - using appropriately thick mixed-media or watercolor paper is the first step for sure. If you use thin paper it will buckle right away. My next piece of advice is to be strategic about how much water you use - try to control it and only use what you need! This comes with practice and comfort using your brush. Lastly - always let the paper dry between your layers of watercolor. There is a certain amount of buckling that will happen no matter what, but these steps should minimize the buckle!--Liz Fuller ===================== Holly, one of the featured Nature Journalers in our journal styles video has this advice:   This is a problem I have too. I solve it by using less water and more paint, and making sure I don't add too much water at a time. That's not always possible depending what you're painting though - I've heard stretching the watercolor paper before you start can help in these cases. I've never tried it, but have always wanted to, and I know there's tons of YouTube videos on techniques! Basically, it's submerging the whole sheet in water for ~20mins or so. --Holly   ================ We'd love to have other journalers give feedback on what methods they have tried or had success with to reduce this buckling issue.