• Natasha
      Chirps: 12
      snail shell
      • Natasha
        Chirps: 12
        I had trouble with the translucence of the shell. The little light patch at the left margin is where the bright light coming in from the right was shining through the shell. It's a little odd to see light there, because that's the side in deepest shadow.
      • Jeff
        Chirps: 8
        Another awesome drawing.  Congrats again, Natasha.
    • laurie
      Chirps: 34
      904B5677-DB7C-4E7D-9E46-04024584B3E4_1_105_c It looks like a walnut! It looks like a walnut! The tip about practicing with fruits and veggies is a game changer. Too cold to take the journal outdoors this weekend. 1.4 degrees F tonight. I think I will stay with the nuts, seeds and produce indoors! Sticking with the various methods of shading, understanding value and practicing chiaroscuro for a few weeks will keep me occupied and feeling more confident. Thanks!
      • Natasha
        Chirps: 12
        I love the way you captured the texture on the walnut. I think I get too bogged down in the details of texture. You've done it by simplifying the shading and irregularities. Nice!
    • Mary
      Chirps: 11
      Also w/ my .005 Micron, a white breasted nuthatch creeping down a tree (from a photo).nuthatch on grey
    • Mary
      Chirps: 11
      I had this textured paper left over so I had a second go at using my .005 Micron to sketch (from photos) a blue headed vireo. vireo
      • Jeff
        Chirps: 8
        Very detailed and realistic.  Great drawing Mary.
    • linda
      Chirps: 3
      • 26A5D2F3-ABEC-4999-81DC-54D8B0C8BF15imageimage
      • Mary
        Chirps: 11
        Very nice! And I like your use of red lettering w the pencil drawing.
      • linda
        Chirps: 3
        Sorry for the picture of doll’s tea party. that was an accident.
      • laurie
        Chirps: 34
        You know, my favourite part of this photo isn't your skill, your dedication to capturing the light/shadow at various times, your use of shading/value/chiaroscuro on your beautiful little leaf...  No, my favourite part is capturing all of this at your dining table while your child enjoys a tea party. You have, perhaps unintentionally, provided her with a model of what life-long learning looks like. Modelling the learning of something new, the ability to 'play' with new skills as they develop. You are also modelling a love of the natural world and a sense of wonder and appreciation of the "mundane" leaf or a simple apple as well. For your course-mates, you are also modelling for us the essential need to carve out time for ourselves in our all-too-often busy lives; you are balancing motherhood with something just as important- your own beautiful self. Thanks for this lovely photo.
      • Jeff
        Chirps: 8
        Terrific drawing skills, Linda.  Great to see your journal notation too.  Bravo!
    • Matthew
      Chirps: 2
      Northern Spy Apple. It was hard to do the shadow and the reflection of the apple. IMG_E5496
    • Reinhard
      Chirps: 2
      lemon1 (1 von 1) Nice exercice, for me it was difficult to get the tight textures
    • Mary
      Chirps: 11
      I enjoyed using my Micron .005 pen to do a lot of mark-making. This was done from a photo - I think my shadows/shading are off. But I'm happy with some elements of how it came out. white breasted nuthatch
    • Janine
      Chirps: 21
      I still need more practice with light and shadow, and making objects look 3-D
    • Janine
      Chirps: 21
      WIN_20210111_17_06_48_ProI drew this damselfly from a photo I took - trying to get a 3-D look with shadows
    • Janine
      Chirps: 21
      WIN_20210111_16_52_54_ProI had some trouble with the shadow especially.
      • Mary
        Chirps: 11
        I think this came out well. I'm curious about where your light was coming from. It seems strange that the highlight would be on the same side of the apple as the cast shadow.
    • Mary
      Chirps: 11
      I was ready to jump to the next lesson, but have made a conscious decision to stay with this lesson for a while. There is so much to practice and there is plenty of time with covid, so I am trying to take my time and hone some skills. A few photos of my journal. The camera does strange things w the lead drawings.garlic 1garlic 3
      • laurie
        Chirps: 34
        Love this! I just bought my first set of watercolours- haven't even opened the package yet. Don't even know how to use the tubes of paint! But this is just so inspiring. I'm sure it will take me awhile to get to this level and that's okay! Just loving your garlic!!! And also the way you did your paint test squares and the examples to show the thickness of the pens you uses (sorry, I don't know all the technical terms for these things). Microns. New vocab for me too! Cheers.
      • Natasha
        Chirps: 12
        Mary, are those B&W garlic drawings done with pencil? They look like watercolor. They are lovely!
    • Carmen
      Chirps: 3
      Learning to observe shadows and light is quite the skill! I definitely see how it helps bringing three dimension to the images. It is hard to combine the dark and light colors at the same time. I am enjoying practicing and learning in the process.image
      • Mary
        Chirps: 11
        Nice work on your sketches.
      • Natasha
        Chirps: 12
        I esp. like the banana--you manage to capture that firm, smooth texture of the skin nicely.
    • Mary
      Chirps: 11
      A Pink Lady apple. The whitest white is not really popping. chiaroscuro2
    • Mary
      Chirps: 11
      The thing I find challenging is dealing with smudges. And keeping the whitest area white. This drawing used an internet photo for reference. chiaroscuro
    • Heidi
      Chirps: 2
      20FF58CB-1319-4847-9429-B5985385E6E3Mark making techniques help provide depth to this plant.  I was struggling with that.  I’ve been returning to this plant to record growth as I am working through this course.  Both the continued practice and learning the skills have made a positive impact and I feel like I am improving.  It helps that the amaryllis is quick growing so I see change easily.  I like incorporating notes along with my drawings which I haven’t done in the past.   The notes make recalling details easy and I am becoming more observant when I can note down what I see and feel.
    • Cecilia
      Chirps: 19
    • Lindsay
      Chirps: 8
    • Mwangi
      Chirps: 8
      IMG_20201223_095108 Always struggled with shading, learning alot so far. Especially about looking for tonal variations.
    • Carol
      Chirps: 8
    • Carol
      Chirps: 8
      The chiarosuro is a new concept for me. Especially the reflected light.
    • Carol
      Chirps: 8
    • Carol
      Chirps: 8
    • Christopher
      Chirps: 3
    • Judith
      Chirps: 6
      appleI tried to capture the apple twice, once with light coming from the left and once from the right and above. The cast shadow on both are too dark, I think, so that' s something to work on. The highlight on the left one doesn't need to be outlined--I just need to keep it blank. These are definitely my best apples ever!