The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › Bird Identification › Osprey?
I took these photos yesterday. There were two birds circling overhead at about the same height. One was clearly a red-tailed hawk. This bird was about the same size. I'm not sure what it is. We were in a large grassy area bordering woods, about 1 1/2 miles from the Hudson River. Could it be an osprey?You must be logged in to reply to this topic.
juvi bald eagle head and neck about the same lengh rule out golden eagle steve
This is a third year Bald Eagle. We have a Raptor ID course that helps with this if you are interested.
juvenile bald eagle, While an osprey could be in that area in February it would be a very early arrival!
Juv Bald Eagle
Juv. Bald Eagle for sure
Juvenile bald eagle
I think it is a juvenile eagle. It has the right broad wings, plus it has body and beak shape correct, definitely not Osprey. I am almost confident it is an eagle.
Hi Glenn. This is a juvenile Golden/Bald Eagle.
I agree
I don't think it's an osprey. Tail looks too long and narrow, they have much more white on them. The white/brown head is really distinctive. I think it may be some kind of accipiter?
It certainly looks like one! The head shape, the ring on its neck, the pattern under its wings, and even the dark strip at the tip of its tail all seem to look like an osprey. And you were near water, which is where osprey inhabit. All seems to point towards your conclusion of an osprey.