The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › Bird Identification › Photos taken by me in Colombia. Anybody know what kind of flycatcher this is?
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cattle tyrant
maybe a tropical kingbird
I would say Cattle Tyrant, as opposed to the super-abundant Tropical Kingbird. This bird has yellow undersides from chin to vent, whereas TKs would have a more gray upper breast. Cattle Tyrants also have slighter bills, and like to walk around on the ground. Check out the range of Cattle Tyrants, which have a much more restricted range than the ubiquitous TKs. Range is very important in Colombia because of the vast difference in habitat types, but TKs are generalists and use many habitats.
Yes I think I agree. I took the photo in Cartagena. I just wanted to double check because I know that there are lot of tyrant flycatchers that are grey with yellow under parts. Thank you