The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Bird Identification Photos taken by me in Colombia. Anybody know what kind of flycatcher this is?

    • Luis
      Chirps: 29
      IMG_3849 (1)IMG_2043IMG_2042IMG_2045
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    • Esteban
      Chirps: 170
      cattle tyrant
    • Annabeth
      Chirps: 107
      maybe a tropical kingbird
    • Sandra
      Chirps: 8
      I would say Cattle Tyrant, as opposed to the super-abundant Tropical Kingbird. This bird has yellow undersides from chin to vent, whereas TKs would have a more gray upper breast. Cattle Tyrants also have slighter bills, and like to walk around on the ground. Check out the range of Cattle Tyrants, which have a much more restricted range than the ubiquitous TKs. Range is very important in Colombia because of the vast difference in habitat types, but TKs are generalists and use many habitats.
      • Luis
        Chirps: 29
        Yes I think I agree. I took the photo in Cartagena. I just wanted to double check because I know that there are  lot of tyrant flycatchers that are grey with yellow under parts. Thank you