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You can tell it is a European Starling by looking at the mottled markings on its belly and breast.
European Starling. It is a winter form, which changes it into a thrush-like plumage. Note the white speckles on the breast.
Definitely a juvenile European starling. Gbird and jaicin it is not a thrush.
ElizabethBird AcademyOwen is correct, it is a juvenile European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Visit for more information about identifying starlings in different life stages.
Definitely a juv. European starling here is a google image to support that :)
i got this feeling it's a hermit thrush
looks kinda like a hermit thrush or wood thrush.
what state? that would help id it.
Probably a female or juvenile European starling
no not that
@Squirrels pet I think it is tho