The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Virtual Educator Retreat: Sharing Student Projects

    • Aaron
      Chirps: 1
      I think the rubrics included in the lesson above will be very useful in assessment inquiry based projects.  Rubrics are also useful in helping to guide students as they create their projects.  Students can view the rubrics to make sure they have all of the necessary items as they complete their report.  They ensure that grading is fair and consistent.  I like the generic rubrics included, and can make small changes to them for specific projects.
    • Christine
      Chirps: 1
      I think the rubrics are important. I may not have made this explicit to the students during my previous at inquiry. I think a combination of small rubrics might work well, scaffolding the process step by step with a simple rubric for each. This could be incorporated into gallery walks. students could rate and give suggestions on how to move up in the 1-4 scoring system. This would be inline with the way the ela and social studies are graded in the lower grade levels. My students are already used to redoing and improving based on feedback.
    • kristin
      Chirps: 1
      I think it's important to have a rubric that is given to students ahead of time.  What I like about the rubrics that were shown is that they are not project-specific.  So the same rubric can be used on any project.  This means that the students will learn what constitutes a good report overall, not just for a certain project.
      • Todd
        Chirps: 18
        Giving students the rubric ahead of time definitely makes you achieve your goals and objectives and makes the student more comfortable
    • Adam
      Chirps: 1
      I plan to use a rubric to evaluate the student projects.  I will make an excel sheet that shows how the points will be distributed for each section of the report and allow students to use the rubric as a checklist.  Students will have a peer review period before handing in their projects and there will be additional time to make revisions based on peer feedback.
    • Anna
      Chirps: 1
      I would use the rubrics, similar to what was presented in this course.  I particularly liked the third rubric with the check boxes.  I would incorporate a peer editing and revision process prior to the end product assessment.
      • Maria (Dede)
        Chirps: 74
        I agree that the third rubric seemed nice.  I like using rubrics, but I also like formative assessment along the way.