Activity 1 These animated maps are incredible! I was particularly interested in seeing the Sandhill Crane migration. I had the pleasure of seeing the Sandhill Cranes in their winter home in southern Arizona a few weeks ago. There were thousands of them! They are only in one little area of Arizona, so I was fortunate to see them. I now know they can come from as far away as Siberia. Pretty incredible. It was also interesting to see that the Ruby throated Hummingbird and the Rufous Hummingbird go in opposite directions. One flying east and the other west. I was also impressed with the wide range of the Northern Cardinal (even Hawaii) and that they are year-round residents.
Activity #3. I recently moved to a new part of the country. One bird I have seen regularly in my yard and at my feeder is the Pinyon Jay. They come in droves to my feeder. I have since discovered that their numbers are declining because of habitat destruction. They need Pinyon Pines as a food source. A conservation group is studying the Pinyon Jays and has recruited citizen scientists to participate in studying them. Now they are one of my favorites because I am always looking for them and reporting when and where I see them. (Bird ID)
Jay. Jay
Activity#2 I recently moved to the Southwest from the east coast. I have learned so many new species. When I do see a new one, I am usually able to come close to identifying it the first time. I am pretty good on visual recognition, but I am trying to learn to identify common birds by their song. Merlin has helped.