Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: June 29, 2019
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Replies Created: 3

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  • Amy
    1. Limiting genetic diversity is not a winning long-term strategy. I have no way of judging whether 2% represents a significant limitation of genetic material. As a "generalist" animal, I would expect that the best long term specie survival strategy would lean towards diversifying the genetic pool, not narrowing it. Again, though, it's not like any of these animals are saying to themselves, gee, what's best for the specie? Individual birds will do what they do, and only time and survivability will tell whether the actions of the individual were successful for the group as a whole. 2. No, not surprising. From the viewpoint of a gene, lots of good reasons for extra-pair fertilization. What seems surprising is that 83% of the off-spring were the result of intra-pair fertilization. How is this explained? Is it just proximity and opportunity?
    in reply to: Secret Sex Lives #636694
  • Amy
    Your question got me thinking about how I look at animal populations. Do I see individuals, families, flocks, herds? If your question refers to easier/harder for an individual to be a breeder, I think easier, because the family supports the failure by providing a safe fall back. Anyone with twenty-something children reading this? But I am thinking that the better question is whether or not this is a successful strategy. Given stable crow populations statistics, I'd have to say it is a successful strategy. Easier/harder for an individual crow really doesn't play into that outcome, it is a group assessment. On the other hand, the group is made up of individuals all seeking the best outcome for themselves. Oh, those selfish genes.
  • Amy
    I am getting better at noticing beak size, eye color and tail shape/size. In New Jersey there are no ravens but plenty of grackles, red wings, cow birds and starlings. In flight is my biggest challenge.
    in reply to: Crow Not Crow #636133
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