I am semi-retired and teach art to PreK-8th gr students and have always embraced science and nature in my lessons as I prefer to spend my free time outdoors no matter what the weather. I have painted/sketched inconsistently over the years on walks,hiking, camping over the years. I just have never had the time in my 30+ yrs to be disciplined enough to do it on a regular basis although I have always kept written trip journals and logbooks with photographs. I want to take the course to finally do something for ME and try to be better at this discipline.
2. For me,I like all of what the different journalers are doing but I know I would never have the time to do it daily with my current 3 day part time art teaching job--so maybe the monthly approach would be better? The geometric approach for drawing birds is something I "preach" to my students and for myself as shapes help so much in breaking down the drawing techniques. So many beginning students always start drawing without regard for proportion in my experience.
3.It might be nice to try a handbound journal in the future which allows for pockets or attached glassine envelopes for souvenirs (feathers, pressed plants & flowers-if allowed). I know it was mentioned in another post for keepsakes like this?It has been great reading through everyone's background reasons and ideas for this course!