I have a shepherd's hook that I use to feed blue jays. The crows always seem to want to eat from the top of the shed. They will eat peanuts on the ground in the winter when the shed roof is covered with snow. Lately, they have been congregating around the shepherd's hook (the peanut wreath is right behind the baffle) and I know they are trying to figure out how to get peanuts out of there!
I feel more confident with crows vs. ravens, but it can still be a challenge. I can tell a crow from another 'blackbird'. What I find interesting is the crows' abilities to identify ME and my husband vs. other people. We had a LOT of construction done on my house during 2021 from the mid summer to just before Thanksgiving. My husband and I stepped one foot out of the house and the crows (and the blue jays) would "yell" at us for food. They are very used to getting peanuts from us. But, these birds never, ever yelled at any of the workers who were here. It was incredible. I wish I were as good at identifying "our" crows as they are at identifying us!
In mid-April of 2020, a "new" crow apparently was visiting our yard. I did not realize this was a "new" crow. The blue jays freaked out when it was here. The jays and "our" crows have always eaten in harmony. After all, they have trained us so well, there is plenty of food. But, the jays were dive bombing the "new" crow and freaking out every time it stopped by for peanuts. I am unclear what happened. "Our" crows now have a larger family, I believe they are up to 9. Of course, I still cannot tell one from another (and I cannot do this with blue jays either, lol).
Around here, they love leftover turkey, peanuts (in the shell or not, they don't care) and corn. They also like our bird bath in the winter. Good luck! I hope you see some soon!
They did that with some terrible corn I grew in our garden! They dunked the corn kernels in a seedling tray that I had left out there and had collected about 2 inches of water.
We have a family of 4-5 crows who visit our yard regularly. We've been feeding the local blue jays peanuts for just about 2 years now. The crows started to get in on the action last year. I was so excited when I saw them approach the peanut spot and take some. Now, the crows have their own spot and I've seen them stack up the peanuts so they can take more. They also do this with old Thanksgiving leftover turkey! Late this past summer I saw them in our garden. We grew corn and it was terrible so I left it out there for them. They kept congregating in one spot in the garden. I later realized they were gathering around a seedling tray that I had left out there and that had collected a ton of water in it. They were dunking the corn in the water and eating it! We have a bird bath and 3 of them were sitting on it, drinking. A small Cooper's hawk flew to the bath and seemed to consider threatening them. The hawk raised its wings and one of the crows did the same and the hawk flew away. This past summer we had a HUGE dirt pile (it was over 6 feet) that was a collection of sod, dirt, etc. The crows LOVED playing in that pile, they were rolling around on it, rolling down it, pecking at it. I just loved watching them. I'm convinced they know me. I see now that I'm probably right! :-)