Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: March 17, 2019
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Replies Created: 12

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Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
  • Linda
    imageimageI enjoyed this class and would like more! I am still working on getting the colors right, but feeling confident with experimenting with the different combinations. It all requires a lot of practice. Thank you Liz for your expertise and demonstrating the act of patience.
  • Linda
    I used the wet on dry technique with the purple pansy and the wet on wet with the mallard. I would also like to learn how to paint the detail and catch the light colors in the flower or leaves. This was challenging with matching colors and adding details. I need practice with the dry brush technique. This is a first for me. image
  • Linda
    IMG_1355This was my first experience with watercolors. It became easier as I progressed in developing the palette.
  • Linda
    This was fun to do although challenging when it involves patience and self control. I found it difficult to adjust proportions. Everyone has such beautiful post. image
  • Linda
    The measuring technique helped me with this indoor plant. Being even more aware of the negative space helped with proportions and determining measurements. IMG_1339
  • Linda
    IMG_1336I have be practicing and used the Cornell Bird Cams to observe. It was a challenge! I found myself repeating the fox video and captured just small amount at a time. With the constant movement, it proved to be the most challenging. I will definitely continue to practice.
  • Linda
    I must say that it was not easy and it made me stay focused. Also, I caught myself almost drifting to see my progress, but I restrained myself. Haha IMG_1334IMG_1335
  • Linda
    I enjoyed this comparison study as it encouraged me to focus on fine details of each leaf. Autumn is the best season to study leaf structures and color changes. This study allowed me to ask very curiously questions, such as why the color changes of each leaf are different and how the cooler temperatures affect this change. After completing each drawing, I found myself returning to add more detail. IMG_1333
  • Linda
    My sit spot 1 was an observation from my kitchen window during Tropical Storm Nestor today in Panama City Beach, Florida, October 18 with 61 degrees rain and strong winds. I was only able to capture the sight of a mourning dove.  I look forward to being outside to engage with other senses. IMG_1325
  • Linda
    IMG_1318Requires a lot of practice, but lots of fun.
  • Linda
    IMG_1316I had a challenging time getting starting with constantly questioning where to begin. Drawing from a picture allows time to concentrate closely, erasing, redoing and observing. I probably would not have noticed the intricacies of the moss and lichen on the tree limbs. I would notice this with more detail and focus on the "small" but important things in nature.
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #646442
  • Linda
    1. I am a beginner and would like to improve my drawing  skills by observing nature. 2. I like the organizing method of date, time, weather, and location. I like how they all observed carefully and  were able to transform these observations into beautiful drawings.  These all seem to take time and patience.
Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)