I never took a watercolor class or a color theory one, even though watercolor is my media to paint birds. Since I am self-taught, I mostly mix my colors on the paper, so this was a completely new experience.
I really enjoy going back to this sketch, I usually work with watercolors, and working with a pencil, gave me a different way to see those little details.
The duck was easier, it was closer, it didn't move as much and I am used to draw birds, but the foxes were more difficult for me, so I tried first stoping the video just to have an idea of which were their main features, then, I played the video several times and and tried to concentrate in only one of them to gasp its gestures.
I first sat close to a palm tree, I didn't think I could draw anything from a moving subject, so I chose a plant. The following day I found a black skimmer nesting site, I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to draw the fast moving birds, fortunately there dozens of birds and there several of them in the same pose, that helped me a lot. I stayed there for more than two hours and finally they didn't pay much attention to me, and started moving closer, which helped me a lot.
I always thought that the dew trapped in spiderwebs was just beautiful, I loved taking pictures of the fantastic "pearls" shining early morning. One day, as I was visiting my home Country Colombia, I started climbing a mountain with my camera looking for birds, but the amazing flora captivated me so much, the sun was rising and all the plants were covered with tiny water droplets. A few hours later, as I was heading down, it was really hot and I was so surprised to to see that even though the plants were dried, some of the spiderwebs were still completely cover with water drops, as they were at dawn.
Perhaps silk refrigerates water and protect it from evaporation so the spider has fresh water to drink
Maybe spiders attract insects with water in hot weather
Water trapped in the silk takes longer to evaporate.
I am from Colombia and I love Garcia Marquez books, when I first started reading him I was marveled by his imagination, but when I visited his hometown Aracataca, in the 80's, I realized that what he was describing in his novels was not that far from reality. It was an incredibly experience to walk into the little town with muddy streets to find a procession (It was during the Holy Week) of little white angels running toward the church. The kids were dressed in white tunics with huge paper machè wings, they were barefoot, because they were not allowed to stained their new shoes, that the moms kept in plastic bags to be worn only inside the church.
Pigs and dogs were marching alongside the kids toward the tiny church, where the old ladies were dressed all in black getting ready to take dead Jesus around while singing and crying... I could keep writing, but I guess, that is another story. This is a place where magical realism started.
I first went to the beach where I fond some vegetation, I enjoyed sitting down to listen and to observe nature. I chose a palm tree because it was easer to start with, it doesn't move that much, but then I found this nesting place where the black skimmers where taking care of their babies and it was an incredible experience to try to chase with my pencil all that movement. It was hard, it was my first time trying to do this, but after a couple of hours I felt I was able to capture some good poses.
I have really enjoyed my drawing practice, I usually work with colors not only in my paintings, but also in my Photography. Going back to the basics is like opening a window to when I was younger and I sketched everything I saw.
It was a challenge to work in the Yellow Warbler because it usually takes me a lot of time to paint a bird. This time I tried to work fast, and to make a detailed sketch, I haven't received my journal yet, but I am very excited to work in my classes.
I just started taking this course, I am a photographer and videographer and I spend most of my time outdoors recording nature. I also paint tropical birds in watercolor, but my painting are very detailed and I put a lot of time in them. I think this class would give me another perspective of what I see, and it will also give me the opportunity to take notes of my feelings or maybe to add some details that I might not be able to capture with my cameras.