Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: February 29, 2020
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Replies Created: 7

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Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Tam
    Many birds migrate including hummingbirds some short distance while others long distances. But not all birds migrate same is true for some species of Hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are tiny compared to other migratory birds and require more fuel especially for long distances and must go into torpor to conserve before continuing. Some other larger birds are able to fly nonstop and use less energy.
  • Tam
    It’s very interesting that hummingbirds temp. can drop to almost freezing for 20 to 30 minutes and will not react to stimulation unless their body warms up to 40 degrees or so. Which can leave them more prone to predators at night.
  • Tam
    I have seen a few hummingbirds in California and Arizona. One common bird  was the Anna’s Hummingbird near a stream within a woodland area in California.
  • Tam
  • Tam
    The wings of a robin are more slender and pointed , the owls have rounded powerful wings and the feathers up close on the owl are soft not like the robins stiff feathers. Owls are powerful hunters.  The food selection of robins is different then some owls, they eat small insects. Robins build their nests but owls are cavity nesters often using a banded nests.
  • Tam
    • I did not know that the size of talons helped clue you in in what owls eat, however I did know that their range and habitat were clues and in other birds the beaks were also indicators.  The wallabies as prey to powerful owls would be the one suprise
  • Tam
    Yes, I have seen a spotted owl while camping in the Sierra Mountains and a great horned owl in a coniferous forest flying under a moon lit sky.
    in reply to: Who Is That Owl? #778969
Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)