Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: September 29, 2019
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 7

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Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Mike
    It's redwing season in central New York. Got this photo yesterday at the Montezuma NWR. Saw several other birds that we had to spend time in the field guides to identify; not so with this guy.DSC01641
  • Mike
    Not only am I bad at this, I'm worse at it than everyone else who has had the nerve to submit their work. I don't have any recognizable parts to my drawings. I've done eight so far; no successes at all. Any hints or tips on how to do this?
  • Mike
    Comparison Study The weather has been too wet to go outside, so I collected these two seed-heads, and brought them inside. My handwriting doesn't make it easy... I suppose I need to remember how to print.
  • Mike
    Harder than it looks. I keep running into texture along with dark and light. I suppose I need to find things with uniform textures to practice shadows, and things with uniform lighting to practice textures. Things with both make it really hard to decide how to proceed... I also wish I had a good way to upload. Scanning is slow and takes about 5 separate steps to get the picture loaded. Maybe I should join the 21st century and get a phone with a camera? I did do a couple of small sketches that weren't too bad. I'll try to upload them later.
  • Mike

    @Lee Ann van Leer I checked out the first couple of suggestions, and found a lot of birds to practice on. Now I need to do some still life so I can work on dark vs light. I feel a bit better with the additional practice, but I'll be moving slowly for a while. Thanks!

  • Mike
    I need a lot more guidance in this area... I don't have a lot of nature to look at, and it would help a lot if I had some examples, like the yellow warbler in the first lesson, to work on.
  • Mike
    Here's my first attempt. I'm pretty happy with it. I've got to learn to stop drawing when I'm done... I keep trying to add details, and often mess up an otherwise pretty good picture. img20191007_10534463
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #645166
Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)