Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: September 24, 2019
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Replies Created: 5

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  • Lily
    Hahahaha  this was the best of the bunch. the bird looked like a bird and I found that I could get the first half much more accurately than the last half of each object.IMG_0881
  • Lily
    The cooler weather is creating very obvious and not so obvious change here.  Most of the trees have not started to loose leaves or have the leaves change color yet, but the ground plants are brown and mostly dead.  The birds that come to my feeders have changed since some have started migration.  There are now many cardinals, sparrows, nuthatches, chickadees.  There is one hummingbird still coming in for a drink, and I am concerned about why she hasn't migrated with the others.  The birds are eating more now, and eating differently.  They are eating more from the suet than in the summer.  The feeders that have mealworms are the more popular now also, so the birds must be stocking up for winter.  The deer are changing from the red brown to the brown gray which is much harder to spot amongst the bare gray trees.  The deer are also not traveling in very large groups right now, and they are more skittish.  When horseback riding in the woods, the deer don't normally take much notice of me, but now they are more wary.
  • Lily
    IMG_0880I often go into the woods and sit and listen and observe.  This is the first time I recorded my observations.  It seems like there is so much happening, I can't write fast enough!  Because my house is in the woods, this time I sat where there are several bird feeders.  This is the closest I have gotten to the little downy woodpecker that comes to my feeders.  Writing down the sounds is easy to forget.  The visual is so striking that the sounds get lost.
  • Lily
  • Lily
    It is much easier to draw from a picture, not rushed and subject is not moving!  I can go back and redo, or add what i missed.  The dark lines on the bird's breast would not have been evident had I not been trying to draw it, and may have been important if the drawing was going to be used to make a specific identification.
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #645776
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