Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: October 1, 2019
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 8

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Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Julia
    IMG_4763   I really enjoyed drawing these 2 flowers.  I used a picture that I took back in September.  There was enough information in the picture that I took to record the flowers and the leaves for each plant.  This was really fun.  I will be doing more of these types of studies.  Thank you!
  • Julia
    The "outside the box" observations for me are when I am observing a forested landscape in front of me.  I often wonder where to start and am getting a little overwhelmed.  For now, I enjoy observing a single leaf or bird, taking a picture and drawing in my free time.  The weather is getting cold here and I will probably have fewer opportunities to draw outside.
  • Julia
  • Julia
    IMG_4727   This is actually my first and only attempt at the yellow warbler.  I somehow overlooked this first lesson as I was having difficulty with my computer at home.  I am very pleased with my first attempt.  This is a work in progress.  I ordered the watercolor paints and the book and watercolor brushes as well.
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #648444
  • Julia
    IMG_4727I used watercolor pencils to color the bird.  I would like to go over it lightly with water to blend the colors more but I am worried I will ruin what I have done so far.  I feel as though I have inproved on my sketching skills.  This has been so much fun!
  • Julia
  • Julia
    I found this exercise relaxing. I wasn’t happy with the final result but I think it has value when out in the field.
  • Julia
    I also like the idea of a monthly journal.  I would probably add a little each week to that monthly page in my journal. If it overflows to another page then that’s fine too!
Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)