Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: January 7, 2021
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 2

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Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Anonymous
    Birds matter to me because I think there's nothing more delightful than hearing their early morning chirping to let me know that a new day has begun.  It shocks me that there are a lot of people who find their morning vocalizations annoying.  I can't help wonder if this is a sign of how greatly modern society is becoming divorced from nature. Before this course, identification of a birds' species wasn't a priority for me.  I just took them for being part of nature as a whole.  However, it has been fun to learn more about the unique habits, habitats and behaviours of individual species.
  • Anonymous
    I notice a number of comments about Blue Jays.  I have had a lot of fun watching a group of about five come to a flat feeder for peanuts in the shell at my feeding station.  One, who appears to be a dominant male, provides the most interesting behavioural traits.  (I am assuming this bird is male so I'll call it 'he').  He appears to the feeder first and calls out to the others who only help themselves once he has picked through the offerings which are only one handful a day.  He fussily chooses one which he gulps down his throat then takes a second peanut crosswise in his beak before flying off.  The other jays can then take their turns but none have mastered the art of getting two peanuts at a time!
Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)