Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: February 22, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 6

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Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Vicki
    Having never taken a drawing course, I've never actually learned any of the techniques in the "Making Your Mark" lesson set.  I found, however, that I remembered hearing many of my watercolor mentors talk about stippling, hatching, blending, and the like, when referring to the consideration 0f value as a means of infusing light into a painting.  I'm now feeling a little more comfortable with using value observations and techniques to help make a shape seem to be 3-dimensional.  MakingYourMarkLessonSetI started with "Drawing Basics" on February 23rd, after posting my Yellow Warbler entry, did a bit more on the 26th, then didn't return to finish the lesson set until May 20th.  Now it's already June 2nd and I'm only just posting this entry.  I tried to apply the techniques of hatching and stippling recently, when I was drawing some rocks.  It takes SSSsssooo... long to draw a rock as a sketch the size of a postage stamp on paper.  I really do KNOW that practice makes perfect, and that I should practice every day.  In real life, though, it's not possible - especially not in the current state of world affairs, when I find myself practicing child care all over again with my grandson, while his parents are telecommuting because of the COVID 19 pandemic.
  • Vicki
    Loved viewing all of the submissions!  I wish I had posted my drawing of the Yellow Warbler, which I think was better than it turned out after painting it.  I'd like to have some input about how to minimally paint in a journal.
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #664525
  • Vicki
    I love this!!!  Especially the way the warbler's tail crosses to the other page :-)  I, too, am trying to "play" with my art.  Not so easy, especially as I'm really fixated on detail.
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #664524
  • Vicki
    Very happy to join this group and to draw/paint/write with the Bird Academy.  I'm impressed with all of the submissions!
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #664522
  • Vicki
    As I was painting the Yellow Warbler from the course photo, the trees/branches/leaves were easier for me, as is typical, while the bird was a challenge.  Although I've painted for years, I'm mostly self-taught, and have never taken a drawing course.  Without a photo, I might not have noticed the little clump of nesting material or fungus in the twig notch under the bird's perch.  I like including such little details, so I prefer having photos to help me along.  In my journal, I wrote that the day is sunny, about 10ºF, breezy, and the snow is diamond-studded.  It's 02/22/2020 at 10:30AM.  As I sit at the dining table, I see larger birds at the feeders outside, but smaller birds didn't emerge until at least an hour later.Yellow Warbler Cornell Course
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #664462
  • Vicki
    I purchased this course because I find that having spend money on something obligates my follow-through.  I have many journals and sketchbooks from various periods in my life.  I'm not sure that I ever reached the 66 consecutive days mark.  According to the link in the Getting Started section to Gardner, Lally, and Wardle (2012), "missing the occasional opportunity to perform the behaviour did not seriously impair the habit formation process:  automaticity gain soon resumed after one missed performance."  Well -- for me, automaticity is elusive.  So... for this course my goal is TO DRAW/SKETCH, PAINT/ADD COLOR/ AND WRITE IN THIS JOURNAL EVERY DAY FOR 10 WEEKS IN ORDER TO FORM A HABIT.  I enjoyed the journaling highlights from the naturalist team.  I've done some journals similar to the one Liz shared of her trip to the Galapagos Islands.  The one item not mentioned that I will incorporate in this new journal is a photo of the subject of my entry.  When I paint en plein air, I almost always at least finish drawing and painting from photos, but I've never added a pic print to a journal.
Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)