Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: May 22, 2022
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Karen
    1. After taking a bird painting workshop with Liz, in which we painted a Cedar Waxwing, I became inspired to do more bird paintings.  I don't have much confidence in my art work, so I hope to dive in and see how my journaling and art work improve over time.  Also, yesterday I was super close to a summer tanager and watched him take a bath.  He didn't seem to mind that I was there at all.  So my first page of my journal is to try and capture that moment. 2. I like the idea of keeping dates and locations, and also doing the drawings first to use whatever space is needed.  I also like doing a circular close up when needed to show more small details. 3. I may have more ideas as I get working more on my journal, but not at the moment.
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