Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: April 9, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 6

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Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Jennifer
    Amazing drawing!  You are very talented!
  • Jennifer
    I was surprised by how much easier it was to focus on shapes when drawing upside down & how well the final drawing turned out. CD585C01-8716-423B-8FB6-FA9CC651270D
  • Jennifer
    I always see Cardinals, Carolina Chickadees & Tufted Titmouse at my feeders but recently I have been visited by 3 new birds that I’ve never seen in my yard before: a female Common Yellowthroat (photo; ID by Merlin), a Black & White Warbler and several Ovenbirds  The Yellowthroats live year round in Florida (I will be looking out for them now!) but the Black & White Warbler is only in Florida during the winter & Ovenbirds were migrating. 93BCDAD9-B9D6-4067-BA3C-B32C34FCE67A
  • Jennifer
    Activity 1:  We expected high levels of different migrating birds this weekend in north FL due to the change in weather and it has been busy indeed. I saw a pair of  Purple Finches (they could have been House Finches, I didn’t get a good look at the male’s breast.)  Ovenbirds are migrating through and I used Merlin to identify these birds that were previously unknown to me. Sadly, 2 have flown into my window and perished. I also saw severalDowny Woodpeckers, Carolina Chickadees, & Tufted Titmouse  today as well.
  • Jennifer
    Activity 2:   Hello from north Florida.  I used Merlin to identify a black and white warbler and a downy woodpecker. Hairy woodpeckers also visit my feeders & was surprised that the Merlin app didn’t suggest them as an option when I entered colors (black, white, red) and a larger size. Any suggestions ?
  • Jennifer
    Hello from Jacksonville, Florida where our feeders have been visited by Pileated woodpeckers, Downy Woodpeckers & Red-bellied Woodpeckers; also Carolina Chickadees, cardinals & sweet House Finches.  But the biggest thrill was our sighting of a male Painted Bunting last week!  His orange-red breast was much brighter than the house finches we often see and, as we drew closer to our window, his blue head was unmistakable!  He didn’t stay long enough to get a photo but we got a good look at his yellow-green feathers as he flew off!AC49A66B-4AE3-49A6-8FA1-C4DAE39E6756
Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)