1. Watching my bird feeders this afternoon, all I am seeing are the White Crowned Sparrows - so many of them - they are cleaning out my feeders daily. It is quite windy right now so no other birds seem to be in the yard.
2. Someone in my neighborhood posted a pic of an American Goldfinch. I hadn't seen any around, and yesterday on our walk I heard a lot of singing coming from the trees - I used my app to identify the song and it said American Goldfinch. As I got closer to the tree I could see about 10 birds singing in there - so cute!
3. I didn't know that American Kestrel or Brown Headed Cowbirds were here. I saw a Kestrel in Oregon before. Yesterday I also saw the Brown Headed Cowbird for the first time - had to look it up - I knew it was different from what I had seen before.
Enjoying this course so much and learning many new things!