I worked really hard at the marshland conservatory (and my backyard) for I while to get these pictures, and out of nowhere is a big flock of seagulls and other birds right up close! fired a few shots and left them in peace.
I tried and tried again to get a pan blur out on a lake, but never could. finally, when i was about to go home, I spot a flock of geese landing on the water! I guess it is not exactly a pan blur, but is still what I wanted!
I took all three of these photos at the leather stocking trail in NY and especially like the Golden crowned kinglet, because of how close I got to the bird, with only a 250mm zoom lens! The thrush is also one of my favorite because it is following the rule of thirds.
I photographed these birds in a tree in NY. I love to wait in trees and watch for any type of bird. I am not sure what kinds these birds are and would like some help identifying. I stayed in the tree for about an hour, and then started to walk a local marsh trail.l I got the shots that i wanted. I also found a downey woodpecker nest! I always kept in mind that I should not disrupt the birds and turned out great! I learned A lot about patience and how important it is when coming to bird photography.
saw this at my feeder and watched it for a while, the took out my camera at a safe distance. I love the way that the White breasted nuthatch can feed upside-down!
I live in a very wooded area, and I see them resting in trees a lot too. I also see them put up there wings like this a lot to when threatened. I would not have guessed that this picture was through a window. Great job!