Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: October 17, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 3

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Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Bonnie Lee
    I agree, it is much easier to ID by sound. I am a novice birder and just don't seem to be quick enough to catch flight. Bonnie
    in reply to: Crow Not Crow #749925
  • Bonnie Lee
    I haven't observed any foraging crow flocks in our area of Western NY but have observed large flocks of other birds in the last few weeks. Starlings? Sparrows? We live along a large creek that empties into Lake Ontario so some geese are present year around but large groups are very active spring and fall. Bonnie
    in reply to: Life in a Flock #744908
  • Bonnie Lee
    Looking at the range map, I see ravens territory isn't around the Lake Ontario area. I live 12 miles from the Niagara River along the lake but we have seen ravens in our area. I learned how to ID them from this course using tail feathers and wing feathers. When we were kids, our parents told us crows will sound the alarm in the woods when an intruder was around. True? As far as crows killing other birds, cats and other animals do far more damage. Bonnie
    in reply to: What is a Crow? #742454
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