A very rainy day here in the UK today for my very first sit spot, so an observation of the garden from inside. I managed to get a bit of time in between the rain showers where birds visited the feeders. My niece had earlier helped me to fill the feeders so I was so happy a pair of bullfinches came to visit! One of my favourite to visit the garden and not often seen in this little space of mine. I have a small wildflower patch which hums with the sound of bees and has a lot of yellow flowers at the moment. It was hard to hear a lot even with the window open but I shall repeat this outside when the weather allows :)
Using only pencil I found myself looking more at the detail to try and express the colour differences in the birds plumage and the structure of each lichen a little more, this I would not have noticed so easily had I not drawn them. The blemishes on the leaves, and the amount of variation in colour on the warbler I dont think I would have taken as much notice of either. Really enjoyed this exercise!
I work in conservation on some of our UK reserves. The monthly journal really called out to me as a goal. It would be fantastic to get monthly memories of how the reserves change throughout the year!