Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: January 1, 2021
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 5

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Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Lisa
    I've loved doing this course and I love doing my nature journalling. I'm yet to find my 'style' but I am enjoying the exploration of that. My best experience is the improvement. I didn't think I would improve my observing, sketching and watercolours so much in such a short time. I look back and see how much I have accomplished and it is really inspiring. The hardest part has been to let go and experiment. If I do a great sketch its difficult to add colour because it might mess it up. But the risk is worth taking, often I do mess it up, but I always learn something.
  • Lisa
    I have improved a lot. I did a pencil drawing to make a better comparison. My second drawing is much better observed, with more accurate detail in the branch and the bird. Proportions and negative space are better. I have learned how to see the details and the shapes. I am really thrilled with the result. I’m a lot more confident and enjoying taking the time with my journaling. I expect I’ll improve further. 22EEBCB7-904D-407E-81A4-F803864B647E 010178D4-B63C-4E39-998B-213BA4578819
  • Lisa
    C7D7DE23-7397-431C-AC0B-30FFDB041766I’m happy with this. But there was a lot of rubbing out !! 🙄
  • Lisa
    This was a really difficult exercise. I found the most difficult part was knowing where my hand was on the page.  This meant that my end did not get back to my beginning.  I think I was able to do the curve shapes pretty well and some of the smaller details. D9DBF7DB-5DAC-4F32-B68A-FCD07E912347But anywhere where there was a long thin part did not get aligned. I’ve  marked in red on my photo the places I think I did okay at.
  • Lisa
    I’ve been trying this year to add a page to my journal every few days. I’ve also been doing some drawing and watercolour courses. I approached drawing this bird as just drawing it. I intended to draw quickly and tried to draw confidently. I’ve always been more of a photographer than a drawer but I love the focus that drawing gives me and my results are improving. I’m so impressed by everyone’s contributions to this discussion. Here’s mine (note that I am in Australia and we do dates differently. This is dated April 6.) 602E4BCD-EAC2-4851-B3B7-B3DA95E3BBBA
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #805343
Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)