#1) How interesting to see the variety in migrations. I could see that clockwise motion in a few, where I had always assumed migration was a symmetric boomerang! I could see that some birds move quickly whereas others slowly spread. #2) Here in Louisiana, I am likely to see Cardinals, mockingbirds and blue jays (backyard sightings confirm this), and we do get migrations of ruby-throated hummingbirds, indigo buntings, and great crested flycatchers more in the summer. #3) I would have assumed that the winter colors in these birds were juveniles. I hadn't realized that it could change so much from season to season.
This is a red-golden pheasant in a local park in New Orleans. I was using the Audubon app for identification, but it wasn't in there. The reason being that this bird is not endemic to Louisiana! He was most likely abandoned or escaped from a coop. He's been in the park for years though and has become a bit of a legend!