Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: March 12, 2021
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Replies Created: 2

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Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • JOYAmusic
    Vive ChiaroScuro! Follow the spiral path of Spirit. Surrounded by scuro, I follow the spark - the chiaro of change. As in my pencil drawing, the balance of light and dark is not always easy to see at first - there is no ink pen boundary line - no point of Tao where light defines the darkness - truly shades of gray. I have been deep soul diving in the darkest tones of pain and grief and despair: a Cast Shadow of CoVid. Yet adjacent to it is the Reflected Light of Compassion and the knowledge that we are in this together. Now the Core Shadow of my fears is resocialization - my true emotions have been masked - a kind of protection soon to come off. My hope is that Spring may carry me through the Shadow of my day, so the Light of my granddaughter's smile will herald the Highlight of new beginnings. I follow the Spiral path to see beyond my 3D drawing and peer at possibilities hidden ..................................... on the other side. IMG_20210412_214804
  • JOYAmusic
    Yellow Warbler As I listened to the recordings of the Yellow Warbler while drawing in my journal, I recalled when I first investigated them last summer. They were visiting my garden on the Eastern migratory corridor of the Rocky Mountains. Bright flashes of golden lightning issued from the flocks of American Goldfinch that dominated. But there was something shy and sweet that emanated from the bushes. The male came forth with a muted, almost avocado green on the back - darting out and then quickly in the dwarf wild plum bushes. Sitting still - stop weeding the cilantro and basil - soon he invites his mate to join him on the dill flowers where hummingbirds have been flitting about all day. Will they be nesting? It's a noisy place in the city - just glad they came to visit. No Photos Please - they are much too shy and quick. But their picture will stay vibrant in my memory of the sunshine the Yellow Warblers brought to us that day. My journal entry was at a very relaxed pace, due to my reflections and inspirations. In the sketch, I was able to appreciate each part of the bird's anatomy, as I thought of its flight and song and purpose. I will add color later when they return this year- late June I hope. yellow warbler journal
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #807560
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