Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: August 26, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 13

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Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
  • Chris
    How cool is that!
    in reply to: Life in a Flock #733783
  • Chris
    I used to see large flocks of starlings in my backyard, but not anymore; I don't mind since they hogged the bird feeders, but I do hope that they have just found better feeding grounds and not that the nos. are in trouble locally; now mainly I have large flocks of house sparrows, which are also feeder pigs (using my new bird house has not helped the situation); but you have to hand it to house sparrows; they are also very adaptable!
    in reply to: Life in a Flock #733776
  • Chris
    Sounds like more crows migrate than my bird book leads me to believe... This might be a good research project, to study more closely the migrational behavior of crows.
    in reply to: Life in a Flock #733767
  • Chris
    I wonder if you live farther north, so the crows are migrating thru in fall, heading south...
    in reply to: Life in a Flock #733765
  • Chris
    Sounds like you must live farther north or south, so they are migrating thru...
    in reply to: Life in a Flock #733763
  • Chris
    The idea of using a smaller digital device on the crows seems like a better idea than the unwieldly big tags; then the crows could be identified from longer distances, and perhaps more accurately.
  • Chris
    I agree; well said!
  • Chris
    Sounds like another good advanced degree research project!
  • Chris

    @Eveline Sounds like an idea for a research project, albeit, it would be a difficult one to observe in the wild, since it seems difficult even under more controlled conditions like the researchers have.

  • Chris
    I'm also disappointed that no expert responded to any unusual behavior that tagging the crows cause.
  • Chris
    This is a good question and I am disappointed that no expert responded to it
  • Chris

    @Lee Ann van Leer Aha, as I stated in an above reply to another person whose seen crows dip their food in water, I thought it was for cleaning it only, (which you said may be one reason), but moistening it makes even more sense for reasons you mentioned; they are so smart!

    in reply to: Creative Crows #733535
  • Chris
    I finished the course recently and want to add I also saw crows dipping food into big puddles; I think these birds are so smart, they know that washing their food often makes it cleaner; although it does depend on how clean the water is; but the big puddle that it (they... as I saw him/her or them - hard to tell how many did this) - is from a sump pump discharge, which runs all the time, so it is pretty clean and constantly recharged
    in reply to: Creative Crows #733525
Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)