1. Red-winged blackbirds. Eat heartily and then fly away. Come back again. One picks up a big piece and holds it for a while and then eats it. Birds grab food and fly away before eating it. Present in a small flock of them. (March 16, 2021 bird cam at Cornell)
2. Viewed Panama Fruit Feeder Cam for a few minutes. Observed a gorgeous Toucan pick up bits of banana at time. Puts head back as it swallows pieces. Pulls back peel and then picks out bits of fruit. Bill is a beautiful rainbow color.
Activity 1:
Northern Cardinal (Doesn’t change location much, but amount does change.) with Blackburnian Warbler (moves a long distance)
Scarlet Tanager with Western Tanager Similar but opposite sides of the country. Both go down to Central America.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Eastern US down to Central America) with Rufous Hummingbird (Mexico to Canada)
Sandhill Crane (Alaska & Canada, Florida) with Yellow-bellied (Eastern Canada & Central America) Flycatcher
What stands out to you about them? What patterns do you notice? Does anything surprise you? Share your observations in the discussion.
Activity 2:
Year Round: Great Blue Heron, Ring-Necked Pheasant, Mourning Dove
Part of the Year: Bald Eagle, Merlin, Red-Headed Woodpecker
I’ve seen a Red-headed Woodpecker, and a Ring-Necked Pheasant. I’ve heard a Mourning Dove.
Activity 3:
Goldfinches in winter have much more subdued colors than in summer. Black cap of summer is missing in winter.
Loons in summer have vibrant greens and browns while those in winter have mostly dull browns and sometimes white. Loons in summer have a black & white pattern on their backs, but those in winter have patterns with less contrast.
Activity 4:
My favorite birding spot is the feeder outside our house. I expect to find Red-winged Blackbirds, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Mourning Doves.
In 6 months: I expect to find these same birds.
Just spent 15 minutes watching the birdcam at Cornell. I saw a woodpecker, blue jay, cardinal, crow, and this bird in the picture. Can anyone help me identify it?
1) Two birds that I can tell apart by size or shape are the Canada Goose and the Trumpeter Swan. (I'm obviously a novice.)
2) Two birds that have red are the:
Red-bellied Woodpecker - red cap extending down to the nape of the neck
Downy Woodpecker - just a touch of red on the back of the head; mostly black and white
2) 3 birds that were searching for food are the:
Red-breasted Nuthatch;
Redpolls; and
4) One of my favorite birds is the Goldfinch:
Size: small - between a sparrow and a robin
Colors: gold & black
habitat: Minnesota area where I'm from
Sounds: high pitched