I work on Langley AFB, Hampton VA. where there is a healthy population of Fish Crows that nest and forage throughout the residential area of base. A military Air Base would not be considered Rural. But then again, not exactly Urban. More like Managed. The Base has areas of Urbanization, Base Housing etc..... And area that could almost be considered Rural (flight line). The Fish Crows on Langley are noticeable and not that skittish toward humans. Especially at the gas station. I am attaching a picture of one crow that posed for me as I was filling up my car with gas. This Fish Crow was only a few feet from me standing on the gas pump and did not fly away, even after pointing my camera at him. The people on base are tolerant of the crows. They only become a real concern in the winter, when large flocks pass through and pose a bird strike hazard to aircraft. I have seen at least two Fish Crow nests over the past 10 years. One right next to the building where I work on power lines and the other in a live oak about 25 feet up near the hospital.
1. I live in a rural area, Mathews County, VA. I have been observing a crow family on my 40 acre farm since 1998. The family has always appeared healthy. Averaging 7-9 crows per year. I have not observed any dead or sick on my property.
3. I have not seen any aggression in this family. Only in winter, when a large flock will fly over, but even then, the locals seem to accept the invaders. Actually, this year, 2021, I observed a second group nesting in my area, close by. About .75miles from the first family's nest. I can't be sure, but this appears to be budding (something I just learned from this course). This is a smaller group, consisting of 2-3 individuals, but closer to the main house. I have observed no aggression between these two groups.