Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: March 28, 2021
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 2

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Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Janice
    Yellow WarblerI I I liked drawing from the photo. It has to be easier than trying to draw a bird in the wild. Is that even possible? They don't tend to stay in one place for very long. Even at our feeders they are constantly coming and going. I found the legs and feet challenging. Seems like  the legs are longer and the feet are bigger than I would have drawn from memory. Worked on the beak for a while and I still didn't get it right. I wouldn't have drawn all the toes. Enlarging the picture helped me to see all of the them. I can definitely see how you have to focus on details and small parts at a time when nature journaling. Otherwise a lot could be missed.
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #810526
  • Janice
    I'm finding sketching plants very calming during the pandemic, taking my mind off everything that's going on in the world. I started with indoor plants then as the weather warmed and plants starting sprouting outside, I moved outdoors. I haven't been doing much writing, other than identifying the subject and date the sketch was done. No color either yet, so I'm looking forward to making them a part of my nature journal. I have never done any formal art lessons so I'm excited about this journey!
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