Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: March 5, 2022
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 6

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Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Rhonda
    This was difficult. I will need to repeat both proportions and upside-down drawing. I fell that even trying to concentrate n just shapes, I could not keep the proportions right.
  • Rhonda
    contour drawingsI can only manage half an image before my drawings collapse in on themselves. The Bird-of-Paradise at least has some 3-dimensional form.
  • Rhonda
    I learn a great deal from scrolling down through what other participants are showing of their work. Seeing such variation and originality is both encouraging and helpful to me. I loved this last exercise (the comparison study) and was pleasantly surprised by how many questions I now have about the trees growing in my back yard.  Seeking the answers will keep me returning again and again to better understand the nature at my doorstep.
  • Rhonda
    It was cloudy and cool for a Tucson morning. I was out with the pup and sat down to sketch. I am used to paying attention to birds, looking for motion in the trees and registering calls and bird song. This time all senses were expanded; I paid attention to the breeze, how cool it was. I really thought about the greens and blues and yellows of the agave and shades of ochre, terra cotta, brown, tan and grey that made up the bricks of the patio.20 Mar 2022 NJ Entry It was easy to lose track of time. A wonderfully peaceful start to the day.
  • Rhonda
    PXL_20220319_005849244.MPFeeling somewhat more confident, but there is still a lot of practice in my future.  I am enjoying what I am learning in this course.
  • Rhonda
    This was interesting. I have always been intimidated about drawing birds. I realize now that careful observations will help me improve. I did love having a subject that didn't jump around.  I will need to improve my computer skills, however. Taking the photo was the most challenging part. WIN_20220306_12_10_08_Pro
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #870493
Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)