Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: May 16, 2022
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 2

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  • James
    May's favorite style was Shayna Muller's style. She liked the boxes around the writing and drawings. May also thought her sketches were beautiful. She also liked that Shayna took her time and added were she zoomed in to paint the details, May also liked the style of the date, and weather conditions. My favorite design was Liz's design. She put so much detail in the sketches and added specific colors in each place. I also liked the style of the writing, small and cursive. It made the book look professional sketch books you find in art stores. And my favorite part was the watercolors, all the colors had their specific place in the painting, and there was always a new color to see. Margot & May
  • James
    May thought that it was scary to draw a new thing with no instructions but then realized she did it all the time and got the hang of it. I also thought it was a little scary but when I got started I realized it wasn't so bad. For May everything accept the toes and legs. I thought that most of it was challenging but when I got to the wing it got easy. When May looked at the picture after she had drawn it she hadn't seen the mushrooms at the edge of the picture but she had drawn it. I didn't notice the little patch of  yellow vines at the edge of the branch the bird was standing on. But I did draw it on my pad. But we think that it matters because we would want to catch every little detail. And I think it's fun just jumping into the drawing without thinking about it. Thank you, May & Margot
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #937607
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