My favorite coffee lately is a forest-friendly, shade grown brand called “LifeBoost.” Honestly, it might be one the tastiest beans we have ever had. It’s a small step that I didn’t realize I was taking in protecting our beautiful, feathery friends… but now that I know I will never go back!
One thing I would like to do better is reduce the amount of single-use plastics we use as a family.
One of my favorite ways to track birds lately has been through the Sound ID in the Merlin App. It has been so fun being able to pull out my phone with my kiddos when we hear something interesting and discover the variety of birds that are right next to us!
Activity 1: In the heart of the city around our building we’ve seen Killdeer… which is strange spotting a bird that has the movements/body of a shorebird hours away from the ocean. We’ve noticed that it loves the gravel areas around our apartment building as well as the reservoir outside of the building that fills with water during heavy rains. At a nearby nature preserve we would never see these, but we’ve spotted Mallards, Wood Ducks, Herons and Kingfisher.
We have absolutely loved using the Sound ID on the Merlin Bird ID App. We have been able to ID so many birds because of it!
Carolina Wrens, Cardinals, Tufted Titmouse, Northern Mockingbird, Eastern Bluebird, Red-Eyed Vireo, Scarlet Tanager, Acadian Flycatcher, Black-Throated Green Warbler and so many more!
All year residents of where I live: Wood ducks, Killdeer and Mourning Doves. Funny enough, I have yet to see a Wood Duck close up! And randomly, there are dozens of Killdeer that hang out in the gravelly construction area and rain reservoir around my apartment building. Mourning Doves have been my favorite for a while now, so I find them easy to identify through sight and sound.
Part of the year residents where I live: BlueWinged Teal, Mississippi Kite and Common Nighthawk. I haven’t spotted any of these, but used the Merlin Sound ID once on a golf course and it ID-ed the Common Nighthawk. This is one I would love to see in person!
I’ve been amazed at the variety of birds that live in the city! Just walking around my apartment the other day my kiddos and I saw: American Robins, Cardinals, Killdeer, Crows, Rock Pigeons, Mockingbirds, Mourning Doves, Grackles, Mallards and even a lone Blue Jay!
I’ve had family members contacting me lately to help them identify birds out at their cabin. With what I have learned so far, I have been able to successfully identify the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, Purple Finch and the Baltimore Oriole. Such fun being able to help and use my new knowledge!