One of the main reasons I started nature journaling was to learn more about plants, identifying them, seeing their features more clearly, noticing where they are growing and what insects and other animals might be interested in them.
I also just wanted to spend more time outdoors, really noticing things--sitting long enough to really observe and not just being busy tending a garden (nose pointing at the ground) or mowing the grass.
Red fox and kit on Alaskan beach.
The kit is moving around much more than the parent! Parent fox's eyes seem "squinty"--partly closed, perhaps because of the wind. There's much room for growth on this skill!
I enjoyed this exercise. I think the hardest part for me was to keep my eye on the part that I was drawing at a specific moment and not look ahead too soon at the next part of the contour. It kept me from staying focused on where I felt my pencil should actually be.
Lots of fun!