Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: November 10, 2022
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Replies Created: 9

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Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Razgirl
  • Razgirl
  • Razgirl
  • Razgirl
  • Razgirl
    I Think that using this method really does help a lot with making the picture look proportionate. I know before I always had a problem with making it look realistic and I think that this is going to be a big help. 2B04A00C-935A-450F-ACDC-E1738D679F09
  • Razgirl
    DD4CA146-2BD1-4643-8EF6-4AD8F23F774FI collected a pine cone on my walk today. I planned on getting another one form a different pine tree to compare them. I then realized we only have that type of pine tree in our neighborhood. I decided to improvise, and just use the one pinecone and compare the side view versus the top view since they do look a lot different. The top of the pinecone really had a pretty pattern, but I couldn’t really replicate the swirl of the pattern like the real thing.A9324812-BE8E-48B6-9CFD-3E21B8F84FA7433A6C61-A9CB-4BF0-A848-C67CB041CA01
  • Razgirl
    786D9172-9A66-494A-9BA9-B22435BE20B6April  2, 2023 4:55 PM the weather is sunny and 88° I just arrived at my sitting spot, facing the marsh and Trout Creek. It is the dry season, and all the water has dried up and the beds are now dried mud. There is a slight warm breeze, and I can hear the sound of wind in the Sabal Palms. As I was walking to my spot all the birds that were gathered on the dried marsh all flew away, in a great formation. There were Great Egrets, Black Vultures, Snowy Egrets, AmericanWhite Pelicans, and Wood Storks forging around until they noticed my presence. I hear the cry of a Red Shouldered Hawk above me and a small orange butterfly is flittering by me. The sun is to my left, and the rays are filtering through the Sabal Palms and Slash Pines. I can feel the warmth of the sun on my arm, and on the side of my face. The warm balmy breeze is soothing. I notice blue skies with white puffy clouds are in the distance. Life is good 😊
  • Razgirl
    DEBD3D17-8D57-46CD-9775-46AD209AA666I felt that it was a little hard to make the picture as realistic as the real photo. I think the shape of the bird was a little challenging and drying the features inside the bird was extremely challenging. I might not have noticed how many streaks there were in the bird. Yes, it does make a difference when your journal it because you have to get all the details.
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #956078
  • Razgirl
    Activity one: I was looking out into my backyard and I identified two birds. I noticed that one was very tall. I chose that the bird was goose sized or larger. it’s main colors were blue, brown and gray. The bird was wading so on the list, I found that it was a great blue heron. The other bird I saw was about goose  sized And its main color was black. The bird was on the ground and I identified it as a double crested cormorant.
Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)