Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: July 26, 2022
Topics Started: 3
Replies Created: 18

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Viewing 18 posts - 1 through 18 (of 18 total)
  • Li
    I find that after gesture drawing, I see and record more postures and behaviors of birds that I don't notice when I usually draw.截屏2024-02-20 10.37.16截屏2024-02-20 10.37.25截屏2024-02-20 10.37.00
  • Li
    截屏2023-07-13 12.04.31截屏2023-07-13 12.04.45
  • Li
    The ear tuft  on the owl's head is actually used for communication! and display?
  • Li
    Common Gray Fox (so scared)
    in reply to: Is It An Owl? #941631
  • Li
    They lay eggs and incubate eggs.and care for their young like other birds.But they hunt at night.
  • Li
    I didn't know that owls eat moths、fish and beetles!
  • Li
    No. I really really really want to see one!!!!
    in reply to: Who Is That Owl? #941447
  • Li
    Easier.Because they have more choices than other birds.
  • Li
    I usually distinguish crows from other “blackbirds” by looking at the color of their eyes. But it's hard for me to tell which one is a crow when they're moving fast :(
    in reply to: Crow Not Crow #932698
  • Li
    1.In fact,snakes and squirrels kill far more song birds than American crows. 4.Some American crows are also food for other predators.
    in reply to: What is a Crow? #931977
  • Li
    I wanted to take some clear, big bird shots, I was using a Nikon D50 a few years ago and this year I use  Nikon D750 with an 80-400mm lens. I found that the birds did get bigger with the faster focus speed, but they were still not very sharp. Recently I tried the Nikon P100, and although it has a large focal length, it sometimes slows down to focus.
  • Li
    3781662987608_.pic3791662987608_.pic I went to a meadow near our house where I saw some Chinese Pond Herons. Surprisingly they didn't move. I'm wondering if they're standing still to keep the fish from finding them, or if they just don't want to move. I also noticed that their feathers are similar to withered reeds, which should be a camouflage, but it is interesting that when they notice a person, they also choose to run away instead of continuing to camouflage.
  • Li
    3541661738297_.pic White-collared Yuhina       :)
  • Li
    3391661473927_.pic I think this natural journal of mine includes "Patterns" in it. Observation: Sparrows sometimes scratch their heads. Possible explanations: 1. The sparrows have parasites on their heads, so the sparrows scratch their heads to clean up the parasites. 2. Many animals (eg dogs) also scratch their heads, perhaps genetically. 3. Just to groom the feathers. Question: Bird scratching its head seems simple, but we humans can't do it, why is this? If birds scratch their heads because they have parasites on their heads, can birds scratch their heads to reduce parasites?
  • Li
    3381661473927_.pic I feel like my nature journal includes "scale and quantity". Observation: Sparrows like to flock for food, but turtledoves do not. Possible explanations: 1. Sparrows are small and vulnerable to predators. So they gather together to find food, which can distract predators, in fact, there are many animals in nature who like to gather together. 2. Turtledoves have fewer natural enemies, so they are often alone. Question: Does the "gut" of a bird have anything to do with the size of the bird? Do sparrows forage alone or with other birds when there are no companions?
  • Li
    3381661473927_.pic3391661473927_.pic 1.I sat not far from the sparrows. At first, most sparrows flew away in groups, so I waited on the ground.After seven minutes, the sparrows flew to the ground one by one to find food. I had the opportunity to observe.At first, they were far away from me, about 5 meters. As I sat on the ground for longer and longer, they gradually became less vigilant, only 2-3 meters away from me. The sparrows are hiding in the grass, and their color are very close to the ground. It was very hot at that time, and many sparrows took a bath in the small puddle. Unfortunately, I was too far away to see them clearly. There were so many sparrows that I was dazzled, so I shifted my attention to a few sparrows standing on the pine tree. They were combing their feathers (or scratching their heads). I did not hesitate to record these lovely little sparrows. They were so cute and hairy! Fortunately, I saw two sparrows scratching their heads. One of them was facing me in the front and the other was in the back, so I quickly drew it. Unconsciously, 40 minutes have passed. 2. Watching and listening is easy, but it's difficult to describe the smell and the sound with watercolor. So I often draw some pictures.
  • Li
    3221661241459_.pic This is the ginger and garlic I drew. The light source is in the upper right corner. Through comparison, I found that due to the different textures of the objects, sometimes it is possible to distinguish light and dark quickly, but sometimes it is not possible. For example, ginger and garlic, the surface of garlic is smooth, so it is easier to distinguish the highlights and shadows on the bright surface; while the surface of ginger is rough, so the highlights are not particularly obvious, and it is also a little difficult to divide the layers in the bright surface. In addition, I also found that by adjusting the curvature and strength of the strokes, the objects can be better represented, but I am not proficient in this area. By the way, where do you start drawing first when you are drawing and what is the order of drawing? I sometimes don't know where to start. Practice makes perfect!Come on!
  • Li
    I love photography and painting, and I hope I can discover unexpected details around me by keeping a nature journal.I think nature journal is a good way to observe the interesting things around you and capture a moment in your life that surprises you, it makes me pay more attention to the things around me, discover the beauty of nature, and understand more about myself. I want to keep a nature journal with various boxes and categorize the daily journal. For example: the first box records the problem of observation, the second records the moment that touched you, the third records the knowledge (details) My new idea: do a quarterly summary of each season and pick out your favorite moment or thing in these 3 months.
Viewing 18 posts - 1 through 18 (of 18 total)