Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: December 25, 2022
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 2

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  • Geneviève
    I have not been able to sketch in the field yet as it is winter (Mid-February), but I noted some good suggestions from other users below (folding stool, cotton sock etc). Instead, I practiced with a reference picture of a bay-breasted warbler, that spent the 2022 summer in the woods back at the cottage. I followed the same steps that Liz used to paint the waxwing. I had fun mixing this palette of colours, and adding a leafy background.IMG_8734
  • Geneviève
    Last year I took Jane Kim's How to paint Birds class so I had previous experience with this kind of exercise. I started by drawing the tree branches and leaves to situate my bird. My principal challenge was about proportion. Also, without colour, the contrast becomes very important so I did some shading too. Birds are challenging because they move constantly. Even when trying to photograph them, it can be very frustrating. With nature journalling, I guess I will have to "remember" the image of the bird and draw it from memory. Knowing the shapes and colours of different bird species will help, I suppose.  I feel it will be more like capturing the essence of the moment and less about making an accurate rendition of the bird. IMG_8660
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #1002513
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