Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: August 31, 2021
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Replies Created: 4

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  • Julie
    In our neighborhood in Raleigh, I mostly hear owls. I’ve seen some, including a beautiful pair of screech owls that lived in a tree next to the lodge where we were staying in Costa Rica. But here the barred owls are just a lovely night-time sound—I rarely see them. Our neighborhood has a large supply of chipmunks and other critters to keep them happy. Sometimes I  hear several owls, calling back and forth to each other, and sometimes changing their calls or getting very excited. I wonder what they are saying! The photo below is one of the screech owls I saw in Costa Rica. B0F6747C-DC4A-45B4-884B-0F577A171635
    in reply to: Who Is That Owl? #864015
  • Julie
    I must be psychic because a few days ago I signed up for the rare bird alerts from eBird.  Someone reported having seen a Lapland Longspur in my town.  I wasn’t able to rush out and go see it (and I was thinking, am I becoming one of Those People? Maybe so!) but I did look it up, and noticed that it doesn’t normally live in NC. It might not be rare elsewhere but it would be interesting to see one here. We were in England hiking once and there were a bunch of birders crowding into a bird blind. They all had their scopes and bins and huge lenses. There was an air of great excitement.  We asked what they were seeing, and they said “a cattle egret.” Cattle egrets don’t live in the UK so I suppose that would be pretty exciting!
  • Julie
    D3E77ECD-FCD6-4196-9AA4-3DD9B489BEB6E9990B2C-7A10-4FE3-B978-F720BB329291 i went birding in a spot near the YMCA where I swim. There’s a swampy area next to the bike path. It was a good spot for birds! I saw yellow-rumpled warblers in the branches of young trees next to the water. There was a rusty blackbird very near by, with one eye on me while foraging in the mud and vegetation. A red-bellied woodpecker was in a large tree. A single shoveler duck was snorking around (excuse the technical jargon) in the shallow water, while a group of wood ducks cruised around. A phoebe in a dead tree on the other side of the path was dashing around hunting for insects.
  • Julie
    Lunch time is not the best birding time in my yard, but it’s a time when I’m free. I went out today and saw only three species—a Carolina Wren, a yellow-rumored warbler, and two Blue Jays.  It’s a beautiful day but not very birdy. I haven’t seen yellow-rumored warblers here since last winter; it’s nice to see them again. One chirping critter turned out to be a chipmunk.
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