Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: January 29, 2021
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 5

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Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Robert
    Here is my attempt at a watercolor of a white-throated sparrow based on a photo.  Still too cold here to do anything outside.  I have played around with watercolors a little in the past. I do find it difficult, but I was relatively happy with the colors here.  Doing the legs and feet with watercolors was the most challenging part of this. WTSPH
  • Robert
    SOSPWas challenging.  I did focus on the individuals shapes but still am not sure of the concept of negative space
  • Robert
    We just had a big northeaster with snow, rain, wind so not possible to go sit outside.  Will go out shortly to watch the ocean. See how the various winter waterfowl (e.g., eiders, buffleheads) are weathering the storms
  • Robert
    IMG_1064YIMG_1065Initial attempts at 3d object. Moon snail.IMG_1066Another attempt at 3d with an apple.
  • Robert
    I have been attempting to learn nature sketching using a book by a very good nature artist.  But I feel like I would benefit from a structured course on the topic.  Right now, being that it is 17 degrees outside I don't imagine taking as journal outside, but can bring back nature objects, shells etc. and use photos to draw. Would like to make my sketches "come alive" - not just be two dimensional on a sheet of paper.
Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)