1. I am a naturalist by vocation and avocation--I have spent the past 18 years teaching very young children, and their teachers, to love nature and to know about much of the nature around them. I am retired now, and would like to use journaling as another way to keep getting me outdoors and keep me learning new things about nature. I enjoy nature photography, but as several have noted, it is easy to be drawn into looking only through the lens, and also easy to forget about the photos when the day is over. I am very slow at drawing because I am detail oriented and a perfectionist. My goals for this course are: a. To form a journaling habit, b. To learn to draw more quickly and expressively, c. To learn to use color.
2. I enjoyed all of the journals in the video. I particularly liked Shayna's, with its blend of art and observation, especially the zooming. I think I would do better emulate DJ's less detailed sketches. I loved the flow of the daily journal in water color. I think it would be good to try a sketch a day or at least weekly to push me out there. I think I would like to do more with images and less with writing if that is possible, though the notes are valuable learning tools.
3. I do not yet have a different journaling idea, though I do want to consider a dedicated journal to use to document the plants and animals we see on our family's mountain forest property.
Hi Barb, I too am very detail oriented and do most of my drawing (at least of animals) from photographs. One of my goals for this class is to force myself to work faster and with less detail. I am eager to experiment with gesture drawing and with color, which I haven't used much.