I had a hard time letting go of my tendency toward detail, but I enjoyed doing these. I draw birds occasionally, so I found those much easier to do than the foxes (which don't even look like foxes on my page!) Now I'm waiting for our morning feeder crowd to arrive so I can practice with our local birds.
Thank you to Nataija for sharing the link to Line of Action. Your drawings are great!
My drawings turned out pretty odd, except for the newt which wasn't too bad, and I had a hard time not looking down at my paper. I liked the fact that this made me notice details like the different in the number of toes on the newt's front hand (?) versus the rear.
I noticed things that I never had about Yellow Warblers, particularly how much black is in the wing. I tried not to do a lot of erasing, but I obviously need to!
Which ideas or approaches I want to try: I've attempted several times to start a nature journal but never really got it going. I've had a hard time deciding what format I want to use, so I keep putting it off. For this reason I especially like Holly's idea of doing monthly pages, as it seems a bit less daunting and I think I can stick with it, doing a drawing with the associated information without feeling that more is needed at the moment. I can always add daily or trip pages as well.