Yes I think I agree. I took the photo in Cartagena. I just wanted to double check because I know that there are lot of tyrant flycatchers that are grey with yellow under parts.
Thank you
Activity 4:
Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus)
- Smaller than a Mallard but larger than a Bufflehead
- Diving duck
- Both male and female have a small white dot well behind the eye as well as a large white spot that extends down were the eye is until the base of the bill
- Males are mottled with orange, blue, and white
-Females are mainly a dull light brown
Activity 3: I like to go to the beach with my camera to photograph birds. This is one of my personal favorites I took of a Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) with a fish in it's talons. This is one of my favorite birds because I find it very interesting how they can spot a fish from so high up and then successfully capture it.