Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: November 15, 2016
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 9

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Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Kimberly

    @Isabella Very nice story, indeed!

    in reply to: Creative Crows #926348
  • Kimberly
    3.  Looking at the range map we have more ravens than crows in southern Arizona, although I have seen them here.  I saw two crows in Sedona raiding a dumpster and throwing food and paper plate around.  They were quite hilarious. 1. If I had a neighbor who was complaining a crow was eating the songbird nestlings I would point out the burrowing owls and Harris Hawks who actively raid nests to feed their babies in the spring.
    in reply to: What is a Crow? #919737
  • Kimberly
    The fox made a pretty haunting sound.  I have heard burrowing owls at night.  They do the "predator" sound if you walk too close to them when they have a nest but they make other sounds too. They have elaborate mating songs in the spring at night.
    in reply to: Is It An Owl? #800200
  • Kimberly

    @John Thanks!  Hopefully we will have baby owls soon...

    in reply to: Who Is That Owl? #797932
  • Kimberly
    I live near a golf course near Phoenix, AZ  with at least 50 burrow owls.  We watch baby burrowing owls emerge from a hole across the street from our house every year.  They spend the majority of their time in our yard as they are learning to fly.  This type of owl has been mentioned in this course.  They are very social and even have mating dances and vocalizations that I haven't really seen people talk about anywhere.  I have also seen male burrowing owls fight each other over females in the spring.  Here is a picture of one of them.  I really enjoy watching their antics as they are very cute and make many sounds.  One sound in particular is like a rattlesnake.kimberly-collingwood-rm4sR0v2bfw-unsplash (5)
    in reply to: Who Is That Owl? #774474
  • Kimberly
    Wow these are amazing!  Love the fish!
  • Kimberly
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #694880
  • Kimberly
    Really love this!
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #694602
  • Kimberly
    I have wanted to take this course for awhile, but I am a very busy teacher of 8th grade and college.  I finally have the time to do it!  I also have some burrowing owls across the street from me who always have their babies in May, so I thought I could capture some of their antics.  I really liked the monthly journal or the journals from trips that people made.
Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)