I have been trying to learn how to use watercolors, but it is challenging. I worked on this finch until I realized I had forgotten to leave the crisp white edges of the feathers unpainted. Colors are not as true as I wish, the red brown was especially hard to try to match. Still do not understand which colors to mix to create my desired color. The red-brown for example was too gray, add red? or yellow? I will keep at it!
I found this stinkhorn mushroom in my front yard.
Question: what is the purpose of the nipple like opening which seem to be sealed with a gel like substance? Is that where the spore slime is discharged?
The purpose of the odor is to attract flies, and it was very effective.
The surface of the cap was sticky, but also deeply grooved with a net pattern of sharp ridges and shallow valleys. To keep slime from washing off before it had a chance to be picked up by fly feet?
Although well past prime, there was still evidence of a lacy indusium. My field guide suggested this was to help non flying insects access the spore slime.
I was intrigued by the variety of flies, and that they were non competitive, and seemingly unaware of each other.
Why was Stinkhorn solitary, but the tiny brown mushrooms two feet away in a group of 50 to 70.
I love your fir trees, and the way the text wraps around them. It is a beautiful journal page. We have balsam fir, Abies balsamea, here in Maine. Not familiar with your type of fir.
There is an entire world in that stump. Love the clear and accurate sketch, and the questions. There are always so many questions. Wish I had answers for you but I don’t
I found time to go to a spot around 5:30 PM. But it was getting dark quickly. I listened I smelled I tasted. I was there a short 20 minutes, so many species to record, a few sounds, and only tasted one thing. But I felt the rough texture of the Aspen bark, and the smooth velvety surface of the polypore which I need to identify it is not one of the few I know.
I felt like I was there, love all the tiny sounds you noticed. And the drawing of gutter with negative space for leaves is wonderful, shadows and highlights like we just learned!
If I had not written garlic next to sketch not sure it would be clear what it was.I have a long way to go, I could squint and see highlights, and shadows, but had a hard time translating that to pencil on paper.
What inspired you to begin? I was required to nature journal as part of a naturalist program I took. It started an addiction. Combining verbal observations with visual sketches brings a depth of understanding, or questions, that simply walking through the woods cannot. But my skills need improvement. We were left to our own devices, and I am eager to approach journaling with some training and help. This class seems ideal.
Which approaches do I want to try? Watercolor. It keeps calling me, but I keep resisting. Hoping this class will calm my fears. Love sharing ideas and work with others. It is both reassuring and inspiring.
Journal ideas: this was touched on, but I would like to incorporate hand lettering to call out key observations. And mixing media, perhaps gluing seeds and bits into journal as well as drawing and writing. And I would like to answer this question: should all pages have the same personality and style, or can I mix it up without becoming chaotic?
Thanks Chris, trying to transition from colored pencils to watercolor. But loving this class already it’s so great reading everybody’s comments, And seeing so many different styles each with their own personality
I had a horrible time with the feet too, and yet I found them almost the most interesting part. I love how your confident simple strokes capture perfectly the spirit of this bird.
By drawing and really looking I noticed the way the warbler’s feet wrapped around the twig, and the lovely pale blue green of the lake and on the branch. Lots of detail that I couldn’t figure out how to capture.