Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: January 30, 2022
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 2

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  • Mike
    Juvenile Eastern Screech-Owl, Central Wisconsin, Summer 2021.MGL_7206
    in reply to: Who Is That Owl? #865442
  • Mike
    I live in Wisconsin. During the winter 03-04 irruption of Great Grays and Snowys, I took a couple of days off and drove up to Superior, WI where there had been numerous GGO sightings. I spent many hours of driving around the area, both shoreline and back roads. Turned onto a deserted back road south of town when up ahead I could see a large object sitting on a powerline. No doubt a Great Gray Owl! I watched at a distance from my car so as not to spook it and was simply amazed at the sheer bulk of this owl. Beautiful bird! Once I stepped out of my vehicle to attempt some photos but since I was in the wide open of the deserted road, he flew back into the trees. Did not get much in the way of decent photos but the experience alone made the trip worth it!
    in reply to: Who Is That Owl? #865440
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