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Savings Bundles
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Basics of Bird ID
Learn the basics of bird ID and bring your skills to the next level with expert tips, techniques, interactive quizzes, and exclusive learning tools.
For 3 Courses
Be a Better Birder 1: Size and Shape
Be a Better Birder 2: Color and Pattern
Bird Song Basics: Getting Started with Birding by Ear
Save 33%
Attracting and Learning Backyard Birds
Learn to create beautiful, bird-friendly spaces and get to know the birds in your backyard using our ID tips and bird body language
For 2 Courses
Feeder Birds: Identification and Behavior
Growing Wild: Gardening for Birds and Nature
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Getting Started with Birding
Get all the tools, tips and inspiration you need to appreciate the birds in your area, and use our expert tips for tricky IDs.
For 2 Courses
Joy of Birdwatching
Feeder Birds: Identification and Behavior
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Better Bird ID: Warblers & Raptors
Our most comprehensive and popular ID courses give you all the techniques and practice tools needed for warblers and raptors in the continental U.S. and Canada.
For 2 Courses
Be a Better Birder: Hawk and Raptor Identification
Be a Better Birder: Warbler Identification
Save 43%
Birds That Wow Us
Discover the diversity, behavior, abilities, and social lives of the birds that “wow” us, and confidently interpret new behaviors when you see them.
For 3 Courses
Anything but Common: The Hidden Life of the American Crow
The Wonderful World of Owls
Understanding Bird Behavior
Save 21%
Mindfulness in Nature
Begin an immersive and mindful journey as you unlock the benefits of well-being by paying attention to birds and nature.