Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: July 31, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Renee
    (1) Growing up in TN, my parents always fed the birds. Hands down I had to vote for the number one Cardinal as that bird is the first one I remember as a child and is still a number one beauty decades later. (2) A move to OH, and a home that backs up to a land trust area, we enjoy various groups of birds from songbirds, raptors, owls, woodpeckers, and doves...lots of doves. This year we were blessed with a barred owl family, Carolina wrens, a red tailed hawk family for the 4th year and most varieties of woodpeckers. (3) A bird that deserves a shout out is the Purple Martin. This is my 5th year as a PUMA colony landlord at our township garden. Who can’t love a bird that flies back and forth to South America each year to lay eggs, hatch their young and fly back? They are tough, personable, have a lovely chirp/chatter and don’t mind people hanging out with them. This year the colony has fledged 104 to send back to South America and some of them will return to our colony next year...we hope.
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